Archive Submissions

Project Information

IRB File Number: 2021-0088

Hello, I am a third-year student in the PhD program in Social Welfare at The Graduate Center (CUNY). I am conducting research that seeks to (re)imagine mental health care for Black people(s) through a liberatory lens. Black people have a deep history of creating and engaging in music, performance, embodied and enacted practices. Therefore, this research considers creative processes and praxes as foundational to Black healing and liberation.

If you are Black/African American and have engaged in creative process(es) developed for and/or by Black people, please consider participating in The Black MAP research project. My dissertation traces the histories of Black healing through Music, Performance, Embodied and Enacted Praxes. Specifically, this archival research project is concerned with the ways in which Black people(s) have created and engaged in music, arts and embodied-enacted practices as healing and liberatory praxis.

The Call: The first phase of this project consisted of me stitching frayed histories. I pulled snapshots of the ways in which Black peoples have created and engaged in creative process in ways that support and promote emotional health and wellbeing and put this in conversation with the historical backdrop.

Response: The second phase of the project invites Black people(s) to submit their own pictures, images, short videos, and other representations with a brief narrative that reflect experiences of Black people engaging in Black Music, Performance and embodied practices that support(ed) or promote(d) emotional health and wellbeing.

This archival research project is part of my dissertation research that seeks to disrupt current manifestations of mental health treatment and reimagine mental health care that reflects/resembles/supports Black people.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact me directly:

Britton Williams:

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